bench press overrated

Tom is a husband, father, novelist, opinion writer, and former Navy Corpsman currently living in Georgia. One of the best upper body pressing exercises, the overhead press (when done correctly) targets the deltoids, triceps, and even upper chest and abdominals. Before you start incorporating bench pressing into your training program you should be aware of some of the potential issues. Look, the barbell bench press is okay. But it would be nice if people wouldn’t inflate that importance like they do. Bodybuilding in a grand experiment and you are the subject. You don’t end up trapped under the bar–something that has happened to me far more times than I’m comfortable admitting–and you don’t smash your face in or drop the weight on your neck. Is The Barbell Bench Press Overrated? by Lee Boyce | 07/19/11. I’ve been lifting for a while. And honestly, it’s it being fun enough reason to do it? Either way, though, I truly believe it’s time to knock the bench press down a peg or two. For example, if training horizontal adduction at the shoulder joint is your main goal, exercises like dumbbell flies or cable crossovers target this movement a bit more efficiently than the bench press. The NFL Combine actually tests the bench press, so you know it has to mean something, right? In some cases, it may not be. Moreover, the bench press targets less of the upper-body musculature than the overhead press. As we discussed, in benching you are working muscles responsible for horizontal adduction of your shoulder joint. i've never heard of anyone developing bad posture from doing too much overhead pressing. If the main motivation that gets you to the gym is increasing your bench, rest assured you are getting your money’s worth out of this exercise from a fitness standpoint. Obviously one group of athletes who can’t get by without doing bench presses are powerlifters. I include it in this series because there’s no escaping the fact that it’s highly glamorized and endlessly practiced, so it makes sense to learn to do it right. First: A quick note – I consider the bench press movement as a whole a very “overrated” exercise. Everything works for beginners. Cancel View cart. Yet it is the most performed exercise, the most talked about, and the most comparative between gym rats. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anyone else think deadlifts and bench press are over rated. It’s a good movement and there’s nothing wrong with breaking 300 on it. Putting up big numbers in the bench press will earn you some serious respect as a young lifter, and, to be honest, even older guys who move heavy weights are pretty darned impressive. So, which is right? While these are the muscles that you will see benefitting from your workouts when you look in the mirror, other muscles such as pectoralis minor and latissimus dorsi get a workout too. Whether you think it’s the king of all exercises or the most overrated movement in the gym, the bench press is still the standard for a fit guy’s powerlifting prowess. Yes, Athletes need to work the pecs for upper body strength and to add bulk to the frame because no … However, the bench press if easily the most over used exercise in the fitness field today. I’ve added more emphasis on the shoulder press in the last six months, and I’ve really enjoyed seeing the improvement there. But it’s long been held up as the end-all, be-all lift for so long it’s pathetic. Overrated Muscle-Builders and Superior Alternatives. Why The Misconception? This means working hard on movements like rows and lat pulldowns. The bench press is a great exercise for developing upper body strength and has a lot of carry over to other exercise. Also take into account that most gym injuries and muscle imbalances come from (albeit improper use of) the bench press. Bad things can and do happen when weights get out of control. Since you’re here, you probably already know that that’s way too low. It’ll stay part of my plans for the foreseeable future as well. The journey is yours alone. The barbell loaded up with plates certainly looks more impressive, and the guy lifting it looks stronger than the guy lifting the dumbbells. Some fairly severe–if you were to somehow drop your overhead press down on your noggin, for example–but none of those are known to lead to fatal injuries quite like the bench press. Advertisement. And it’s part of my current plan, too, so I hear you there. Discussion in 'Training Information' started by Levstar, Aug 8, 2014. Page 1 of 7 1 2 3... Last. Of course, the question we don’t ask but probably should is, “Is the bench press overrated?”. That’s why when you walked into the gym and started benching, you got results. If you are interested in pure muscular development it’s a different story. Thank You Ryan Wood, The relevance of any answer depends to some degree on personal preference. 03:45 Barbell bench compared to a machine. Which is why I say it is overrated. Aug 8, 2014. It’s a great way to strengthen the horizontal push, and when incorporated into a balanced training program, plays its part in producing a strong upper body. Most lifters know that the notable prime movers in the bench press are the pectoralis major, deltoid (anterior) and triceps. Aside from the barbell bench press, you can perform the exercise with dumbbells or machines, and at a variety of different angles. That’s stupid and I’ll admit it. 02:35 Sometimes an exercise is just not good for your structure. Also take into account that most gym injuries and muscle imbalances come from (albeit improper use of) the bench press. Tell someone you life weights and they’re going to ask you one question above all others, most likely. The Bench Press. Messages: 10,521 Likes Received: 9,854. Here are some of my thoughts as to why I feel the way I do. Besides, most of the time you’re pushing, you’re really using your legs. Bench Press Overrated for Looking Huge? Is the Bench Press Overrated? Thank You Ryan Wood, The relevance of any answer depends to some degree on personal preference. Eric is a weight lifter and former college athlete with an interest in a wide range of sports. Your email address will not be published. There, I said it. The barbell bench press just plain sucks when it comes to building a chest that actually looks good. Is it overrated by typical gym rats that are neither serious bodybuilders or powerlifters, YES. Additionally, the risk can be mitigated by having spotters on hand to keep you out of trouble. Additionally, look at the bench press. , Your email address will not be published. Good luck and be safe! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. i've never heard of anyone developing bad posture from doing too much overhead pressing. I’d say yes, it’s overrated. Back in the heyday of the strongman, there wasn’t any such thing as a bench press. Here are some of my thoughts as to why I feel the way I do. If you’ve lift weights before or are on a strength program currently, chances are you’ve performed the bench press. I absolutely love to bench. Some bodybuilders even feel like their time is better spent elsewhere when it comes to building up their chests. Biomechanically, most obviously the bench press makes you stronger when it comes to pushing things away from you, or pushing yourself against gravity as in doing a pushup. Hill, Virgil "Is the Bench Press Overrated? It’s not a valid measurement of overall strength. The purpose of this article is to set the record straight about this highly overrated movement, as I like to call it, the "horizontal champ's special". No one had invented it yet, which is why you see lower pec development in photos of those old-time strongmen. Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next > Aug 8, 2014. An increase in bench press-related injuries, along with recent research indicates and supports the fact that the bench press isn't the most efficient or effective exercise for the chest, nor is it necessary to perform this exercise at all. 4:57. If you look at the angle of the arm in relation to the chest, you’re looking at something more like a decline press, which is a similar movement but still a different one. It is quintessential “lift” of mainstream strength training. The bench press is popular because it's one of the three powerlifts, and also because it's somehow evolved into a premier strength standard. AlphaDestiny 21,630 views. I do want to get to 300 this fall. Another issue has to do with developing a muscle imbalance. But according to …

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