Once you get to the top, Flint will spawn. This side quest is exactly the same as the story missions 'Let There Be Light' and 'X Marks the Spot'. Defeat Jack and fight the Warrior until he collapses with his head on the floor. After you exit Fyrestone and go to the place where you defeated the boss Saturn (in the Arid Nexus - Badlands), you'll notice a small run-down building: this is the bus stop. The very last mission.. ‘The Talon of God’. Your reward will be a precious moment with Claptrap in which you shoot him with a giant cannon. Don't worry about the Rakk flying above you, they will not attack you unless provoked. At level 5, you’ll unlock the Sabre Turret action skill. Go back to the Lair of Infinite Agony and pay 20 Eridium to gain access to the Winged Storm area where the Ancient Dragons of Destruction are. Borderlands 2 Trophy Guide By MrCostari and Dragon-Archon PS3 Vita This is the ultimate guide to help you get 100% completion (or just the platinum trophy) on Borderlands 2. There are a few different types of Goliaths, but you'll need to do this with a normal Goliath. When you accept the mission, go through the doors and down the elevator. The following enemies have a Chubby version and can be found at the following places: If you own the "Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage" DLC, there's a side mission called 'Gas Guzzlers'. Phaselock is exclusive to the Siren. Follow the path again, fight some engineers, a construct and a few Bull Loaders. Always check your challenges and which ones are easy to complete. Be careful though, you’ll see many beasts held captive again, and these will be set free at some point, including a few nasty ones. My Life For A Sandskiff Kill 100 enemies with the turret (the turret needs to get the last hit on an enemy) to unlock this trophy. The Darkness is found in the area called 'Hatred's Shadow' and will always be the same level as you. You can call in the Moonshot over and over again as long as you follow these steps. After that take a right turn, go up the stairs and go straight ahead. Purple or better rated gear can be found throughout the game. You need to hit the huge blue spots with white dots on his body. It's a reward from the Positive Self Image side quest (becomes available from Ellie after you unlock the Bandit vehicle for the story-mission A Damn Fine Rescue). Complete the mission "My First Gun". Please note that falling into trapholes or falling of the battlefield will result in a death and end the round. After taking enough damage his name will change to Caustic Pete (corrosive damage) and damaging him more will change his name to Pyrocaustic Pete (incendiary and corrosive damage). When you start the quest, you'll have optional objectives that involves talking to Zed, Scooter, Tannis, Moxxi, Hammerlock and Marcus. The following types of enemies can have a Chubby spawn: Michael Mamaril is a random encounter in Sanctuary and is a tribute to the late Michael Mamaril, who was a fan of Borderlands and died of cancer at the age of 22. There’s a trophy that requires you to have purple rated gear or better equipped in all slots. If you don't have anyone on your list to do this with, use the Co-Op Partners Thread. This trick can be used pretty much with any Constructor where you can get enough distance but are still able to damage it. 1x 2x 9x 39x = 51 Trophäen. These are noted in the guide. A few good places to grind are Ardorton Station just after you enter the map for the Pink Boroks, the place where you cleaned the urine in Scylla's Grove for the Albino Skags, the footprints in Candlerakk's Crag for the Tailless Scaylions (also found in Scylla's Grove in Dropwater Cavern) and Hunter's Grotto for the two-legged drifters (there are 4 drifters that spawn everytime outside of the Hunter’s Lodge, 2 are visible from each end). Make sure you protect him and you might want to weaken stronger enemies so that he can kill them with 1 hit. Badass Crater of Badassitude, Breaking and Entering You can roll one die for free or pay 5 Eridium to roll both dice. Borderlands 2 Trophy Guide. Every time you reload the gun (you either reload manually or you have 0 bullets left in your magazine) the weapon will get thrown away, going to wherever you got your crosshair and explode on impact. Once you finally meet the Slab King, he will uncover his true identity. In close quarters he will ground pound or try to melee you. It is not something like the costs. You will enter a large room with about 50 of these chests, so you will have plenty of opportunities to unlock the trophy. He has 2 spawn locations. During the first stage of the battle you need to kill a sandworm and let Gee walk over the pool they leave behind. It can build pretty much any bot. If you punch him you will not get the Amulet, and will have to playthrough the DLC again or trade with another player. ), complete/level up any random challenge and the trophy should unlock. The Bee has no shield drain after each shot, which means as long as you don't get hit, you'll keep doing that bonus damage. When his name changes to 'Pryocaustic Pete', he'll do 2 Nova Blasts in a row. Before you enter the last building, you’ll have to fight off a wave of bots and a few other beasts, including a Badass Stalker. First, get yourself killed by the Warrior (or anything else, such as the lava). 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