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This film documents a team of local archaeologists excavating unexplored passageways, shafts, and tombs, piecing together the secrets of Egypt’s most significant find in almost 50 years, with a focus on the decoding of the tomb of … Saqqara (Arabic: سقارة , Egyptian Arabic pronunciation: [sɑʔˈʔɑːɾɑ]), also spelled Sakkara or Saccara in English / s ə ˈ k ɑːr ə /, is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, serving as the necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis. 568, This story has been shared 544 times. Give me more stuff like Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb all day e'ry day. Meet Scene-Stealer Barrett Carnahan, Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Netflix Afterparty' Features Plenty Of Bits About Netflix But Not Much Else, Shonda Rhimes' Memoir Is Over 80% Off During Amazon’s Huge Kindle Book Blowout. 'Bridgerton' Season 2: Why We’re Dying to See Kate Sheffield, Francesca Bridgerton, Newton and More Characters, 'Southern Charm' Recap: Supportive, Snacking Shep Rose Saves An Eye Roll-ercoaster Of An Episode. 580, This story has been shared 568 times. You know how we always see Americans and Brits in any movie that has to do with ancient Egypt? Well, rest assured, we won’t in Netflix’s first documentary about the Saqqara necropolis. The latest documentary to arrive on Netflix is Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb which tells of the discovery of an ancient Egyptian tomb. 477, This story has been shared 454 times. COVID Scorecard: How Well Did Your Favorite Shows Handle the Pandemic? Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb is available to stream now on Netflix after releasing on October 28th, 2020. Hamada Mansour, an archaeologist on the dig unalloyed, says: “Saqqara is … 963, This story has been shared 888 times. Since Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb hit Netflix last Wednesday, it has captured the imagination of viewers. The central mystery of the documentary is Wahtye, an ancient Egyptian priest who served under … Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), © 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved, 'Teddy Pendergrass: If You Don’t Know Me' Chronicles R&B Singer's Life And Inspirational Comeback, 'Crash Landing on You' is the Hidden Netflix Gem That Will Keep Your Swoon-y 'Bridgerton' High, Where to Watch 'The Promised Neverland' Season 2, 'SK8 The Infinity' Release Date and Where to Watch, Is 'Tenet' on HBO Max? Netflix’s “Secrets of Saqqara Tomb” catches the audience’s breaths since its screening on 28th October on the platform. Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb has arrived on Netflix but the findings in the documentary seem too good to be true, leading some fans to think that it’s fake. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Funding for their excavation, which comes from the Egyptian government, hinges on making another big discovery before Ramadan comes. The Egyptian team unearthed the findings over the course of six weeks of … Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb arrived on Netflix on October 28th, 2020. Because unlike those made-for-TV documentaries on similar subject matters, director James Tovell doesn’t promise to unveil the most shocking ancient Egyptian secret in the history of the world, only to cut to a commercial break. In mid-December 2018, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities had announced a previously unknown 4,400-year-old tomb having being discovered at Saqqara. From reality TV and Oscar-winning films to international series and feature-length documentaries, there’s always plenty to choose from. In Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb, this ancient Egyptian discovery belongs to the Egyptians who are digging it up, translating it, and treating it with the utmost care. Alăturați-vă unei echipe de arheologi locali, în timp ce excavează niciodată înainte să exploreze pasaje, puțuri și morminte, în timp ce reunesc secretele celor mai remarcabile morminte din Egipt. This tomb has been unopened for 4,400 years, so this is an unbelievable, mind-blowing discovery — the kind that historians and experts lick their lips about. It is heralded as one of the most jaw-dropping, exciting, and important Ancient Egyptian discoveries in decades. When Is 'The Stand' Episode 4 on CBS All Access? Netflix's latest documentary, 'Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb' is a refreshing watch in these times. The tomb is 10 metres (33 ft) long from north to south, and 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide from east to west. Netflix's latest documentary, 'Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb' proves that the burial grounds of Egypt still hold many secrets. 1,100, This story has been shared 963 times. Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb is a documentary film directed by James Tovell. Streaming Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb 2020 Subtitle Indonesia. No Brit, no Americans, just a people seeking their history. By Kenzy Fahmy “Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb” is one of the latest Netflix productions to take the world by storm, and the Egyptian audience was definitely no exception. Iar descoperirile abia au început. The miraculous discovery of a previously unknown tomb in Saqqara, Egypt -- the most significant archaeological find in at least a half-century -- is documented here by filmmaker James… Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb follows the decoding of the tomb of an Old Kingdom priest Wahtye, unopened for 4500 years, and the excavation of five shafts to … Absolutely jaw dropping sruff”, While this fan was quick to draw attention to the fact that it was an Egyptian team that unearthed this fascinating discovery: “Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb is the first Ancient Egypt documentary I’ve seen from the perspective of a full-Egyptian excavation team. The depth of digging and conservation to be done will take at least another two centuries to get anywhere near knowing the sheer scale of the buried sites. By clicking "SIGN UP" above you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice. Much of what we see in Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb seems almost too good to be true as the ancient tomb has laid untouched for millennia, giving archaeologists a fascinating insight into Wahtye the priest and his family. By the weekend, it was the second-most-watched film on Netflix in the entire world. Plot Synopsis Nonton Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb 2020 Sub Indo. English. In November 2018, it was announced that his tomb had been found at the Saqqara necropolis. The discovery seems almost too good to be true which has led some viewers to ask if any of Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb is fake. 2,015, This story has been shared 1,100 times. Movies on Netflix. No, the dig we follow in Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb is a real excavation that has been taking place in Egypt. Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb ( 2020) Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb. A mummy is unearthed in Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb Secrets under the sands. Instead, Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb is an uninterrupted 120-minute film about a dig that began in December 2018, when Egyptian archeologists discovered a previously unknown 4,400-year-old tomb. Inside the tomb were reliefs of Wahtye, his wife Weret Ptah, and his mother, Merit Meen. A new Netflix documentary Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb, released last month, chronicles the discoveries made at Saqqara in 2018. GENRE : Documentary Ini digembar-gemborkan sebagai salah satu penemuan Mesir Kuno yang paling mencengangkan, menarik, dan penting dalam beberapa dekade. 'The Stand' Episode 3 Recap: These Are the People in Your Neighborhood. And finally, this fan summed up their feeling perfectly in gif form: Me when the Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb ended: After unearthing a tomb that had been untouched for 4,400 years, Egyptian archaeologists attempt to … 's Finest' on Netflix, A 'Bad Boys' Spin-Off Starring Jessica Alba and Gabrielle Union, 11 Rising Stars to Watch For in 2021: From New Marvel Superheroes to the Stars of 'Shadow and Bone', Stream It Or Skip It: 'Unknown' on Netflix, Where Liam Neeson Is Knocked On The Noggin And Has to Suss Out His Identity, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Your Name Engraved Herein' on Netflix, Taiwan's Most Popular LGBTQ+ Film, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Ammonite' on VOD, in Which Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan Fall in Love on the World's Ugliest Beach, Abby and Riley Are Inspiring Lots Of 'Happiest Season' Fanfiction, The 'Happiest Season' Backlash Highlights the Queer Rom-Com Double Standard, 'Cobra Kai' Creators On The Future Of The Series: "Season 4 is Not the Conclusion of the 'Cobra Kai' Story", Who Plays Young Kreese in 'Cobra Kai'? Of Your Bravo Dreams [Exclusive]. 8,455, This story has been shared 2,500 times. Every step in the necropolis is a discovery as it reveals secrets buried under the sands many, many years ago. TV-PG | 1h 53min | Documentary | 28 October 2020 (USA) 2:04 | Trailer. Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb. SECRETS OF THE SAQQARA TOMB (2020) Sub ITA [Film] Generi: Documentario, Storico pubblicato nel nostro canale Telegram. 544, This story has been shared 523 times. (That’s the beauty of a documentary on Netflix—there are no commercial breaks!). Netflix’s Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb documents the decoding of the Egyptian tomb of an Old Kingdom priest, Wahtye. 'The Mandalorian' vs. 'Wonder Woman 1984' vs. 'Soul' vs. 'Bridgerton': Who Won December 2020? Saqqara has a bewitching quality to it. There’s a sense of urgency in the air, but also a great sense of camaraderie, and watching them interact is almost as fun as watching the discovery of ancient artifacts. The discovery of the 4,400-year-old tomb was announced in November 2018 and the Netflix team was quickly on-hand to document the various stages of excavation. The Disney Movie's Powerful Ending Explained, 'Soul' Delivers An Uplifting Message About Giving Up, Zack Snyder Hypes His Netflix Movie 'Army of the Dead' as "Pure Zombie Mayhem", Stream It Or Skip It: 'L.A. Tomb. 2,500, This story has been shared 2,015 times. It’s safe to say that history fans have been hugely impressed with the discoveries shown in Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb. 523, This story has been shared 477 times. One fan on Twitter wrote: “I have never said wow out loud as much as I have watching Secrets of the Saqqara Tomb. Secrets Of The Saqqara Tomb: Egypt Through The Eyes Of Real Egyptian Excavators! It will be released on Netflix on October 28, 2020. The dig to uncover his tomb and whatever may lie inside it is led by a team of all-Egyptian archeologists and diggers. Giving life and honoring the lives of the dead.”. Language. Black Clover episode 157 release date and time: International premiere explained, {{#media.media_details}} 888, This story has been shared 580 times. The tomb belonged to someone named Wahtye, who—as we learn along with the archeologists who decode the ancient hieroglyphics—was a high-ranking priest during the Fifth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. And they do find things of significance—like the first-ever mummified lion, a statue pieced together from parts found separately, and human remains that are appropriately spooky and morbidly fascinating. The significance of this—Egyptians digging up their own history, rather than have ancient artifacts taken from them to be put on display in the British Museum or The Met—is clearly not lost on any of them.
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