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Stay tuned for more updates regarding Log Kya Kahenge. Saad tries to support Meerab with everything he has. Log Kya Kahenge is the moving story of a loving family who faces the worst reality of life when their father commits suicide, not realizing how his wife and children will survive. ARY Digital Drama Log Kya Kahenge Episode 2 – Story Review, Log Kya Kahenge (Urdu: لوگ کیا کہیں گے‎, lit. "After Beti and Bhool, this is her third undertaking with executive Mohsin Mirza,". Now without any support she has to resolve all the financial matters of her husband and become the breadwinner for her family. Anushey and Azan as Dania and Rahim are Meerab and Haseeb’s children who are shattered by the tragic demise of their father. On Jul 22, 2020 Log Kya Kahenge is the moving story of a loving family who faces the worst reality of life when their father commits suicide, not realizing how his wife and children will survive. 'What Will People Think') is a 2019 Pakistani television soap opera which aired on Hum TV.It is produced by Momina Duraid under MD Productions, directed by Adeel Qamar Khan and written by Rizwana Princes.It has debutants Komal Meer, Ameer Kamal Gillani and Sabeena Farooq in leads. The supporting cast include Aijaz Aslam, Sakina Samo and Kinza Razzak among others.Faysal Qureshi as Saad Following a potpourri of exceptionally acclaimed dramas, ARY Digital is all set to hold its viewers spellbound with ‘Log Kya Kahenge’, produced by iDream Entertainment, known for giving us hits like Koi Chand Rakh, Bewafa, Meray Khudaya, Jhooti, Thora Sa Haq and others. Directed by Mohsin Mirza and written by Soofia Khurram, it highlights Saheefa Jabbar and Aijaz Aslam in critical jobs. Looks like 2020 is also the year of flamboyant dramas on ARY Digital just like the last year and years before that. Sakina Samo It stars Faysal Qureshi and Saheefa Jabbar Khattak.The supporting cast include Aijaz Aslam, Sakina Samo and Kinza Razzak among others. Kinza Razzak as Kiran is the loving and caring wife of Saad, who stands by his side to support Meerab, until he proposes her. Log Kya Kahenge is the moving story of a loving family who faces the worst reality of life when the breadwinner loses his job. Also read: The Suicide Scene Became a Reality, Aijaz Aslam. Kinza Razzak The music was composed by Ahsan Ali Taj and the lyrics were also written by Ahsan Ali Taj. ‘What Will People Think’) is a Pakistani television series premiered on 25 July 2020 on ARY Digital replacing Jhooti.It is produced by Abdullah Seja under their banner Idream Entertainment. Want to add something to the story? Have your say in the comments section below. Log Kia Kahengay (Urdu: لوگ کیا کہیں گے ‎, lit. Log Kya Kahenge (Urdu: لوگ کیا کہیں گے ‎, lit. Saheefa Jabbar Khattak as Meerab Tags; ARY Digital Drama Log Kya Kahenge Ep 3 story; An avid reader, food enthusiast, and a writer, by passion. Saheefa said: "I am trying the character of Meerab, who is joyfully married and very well settled in life. Aijaz Aslam as Haseeb ARY Digital - ARY Digital Official Website. "I can't uncover much about the plot of Log Kya Kahenge, yet however there will be a significant twist, and you will notice how Meerab actions to prop things up," shared Saheefa. Umeed Episode 65 – Will Rameez Regret after marrying Shahla. Abdullah Seja produced it under their banner Idream Entertainment. Anoosheh Rania Khan, Nalaiq Episode 81 Related: Teasers of ‘Log Kya Kahenge’ reflect scary reality. 47,458 talking about this. ARY Digital has risen above the boundaries of the entertainment scene of Pakistan by bringing in a steady progression bright drama serial to keep the crowds trapped and marathon watch every drama. 'What Will People Think') is a Pakistani television series premiered on … Afshan Qureshi as Tabassum is Saad’s mother who is also the aunt of Haseeb. Saheefa Jabbar Khattak as Meerab is Haseeb’s simple housewife who is totally dependent on her husband. An avid reader, food enthusiast, and a writer, by passion. Looks like 2020 is also the year of flamboyant dramas on ARY Digital just like the last year and years before that. The drama is helmed by Mohsin Mirza, known for his exceptional direction in Bhool and Beti. Log Kya Kahenge (Urdu: لوگ کیا کہیں گے ‎, lit. Sure, Nisha had the same blood but did she ever care for her parents, or even her elder sister who had been the true epitome of selflessness, who gave up … Now Meerab is left alone to face this situation. Umeed’s mother stands up for herself and struggles to ward off the stigma around divorce... ARY Digital Drama Log Kya Kahenge Episode 2 - Story Review. These shows also have an essential impact on the destigmatization of specific issues. Both men are at good positions in their companies, providing a luxurious lifestyle for their families in order to maintain a status in society. "Aijazz Aslam pairs up with Saheefa Jabbar for Log Kia Kahenge", "Faysal Quraishi & Aijaz Aslam Reunite for 'Log Kya Kahainge, "Faysal Quraishi to star in 'Log Kya Kahain Gay, "Saheefa Jabbar shares details of next drama, Log Kya Kahainge", "In conversation with Saheefa Jabbar Khattak", "Log Kya Kahenge 1st Episode Television Rating Point", "Log Kya Kahenge 3rd Episode Television Rating Point", "Log Kya Kahenge 4th Episode Television Rating Point", "Log Kya Kahenge 5th Episode Television Rating Point",, All Wikipedia articles written in Pakistani English, Album articles lacking alt text for covers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 3 October 2020, at 21:46. Nida Yasir asked the actors to define the type of role their are playing and what struggle did they face during the whole shooting. ARY Digital - ARY Digital Official Website. HUM TV Drama Zebaish Full cast, Storyline, Teasers, OST, and Reviews, HUM TV Drama serial Qurbatain Full cast, Timings, OST, Teasers, Story and Reviews, Jhooti Drama full cast, OST, full story, Reviews, Dushman e Jaan Drama Full cast, OST, timings, full story, Reviews, Yeh Dil Mera drama full story, Cast, Writer and Reviews, Mera Dil Mera Dushman Drama Cast, full Story, OST, Timings, Review, After Shaan, Reema is also unhappy that 'Ertugrul Ghazi' was shown in Pakistan, The Suicide Scene Became a Reality, Aijaz Aslam, 7 Best and Famous Places to Visit in Balochistan, The first 'animal' discover that survives without oxygen, In Saudi Arabia, for the first time ever allowed to participate in women's cards competition, Drama serial "Malal e Yaar" cast attends the private radio channel.

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