In diesem Spiel dreht sich alles um den Nervenkitzel Bösewichte abzuschieÃen und Gegenfeuer auszuweichen. This wiki is about the game Strike Force Heroes 2. It is a story that involves a global terrorist... One Final Effort is the fourteenth level of the campaign.
Strike Force Heroes 3 ist eine Fortsetzung vom spannenden Ballerspiel über die epische Strike Force Heroes Saga.
Update June 1st, 2012: Strike Force Heroes se está cargando, mientras tanto un mensaje patrocinador, Has de saber que Adobe Flash Player se actualiza constantemente, los juegos pueden no funcionar correctamente si no actualizas tu Flash Player, Descárgate una nueva versión de Flash Player desde su página oficial.
If you are interested in any questions you can contact us. Play as 5 different classes: Engineer, Mercenary, General, Sniper, or Juggernaut. Once done, you must enable Flash for the game once you refresh the page. S or Down – Crouch Challenges are levels in Strike Force Heroes. Los geht's mit toller kostenloser Online-Action. If you need further help, please contact us for assistance. R – Reload Click the 'v1.1' in the main menu to find out more! Escoge diferentes armas y tipos de soldado. Level up 4 unique classes to unlock over 65 weapons, multiple skills, and killstreaks, to customize your loadout.
STRIKE FORCE HEROES 3 60 missions, customisable weapons and squads await in the massive Strike Force Heroes sequel you've been waiting for!
In a world ravaged by war, when the army isn't enough, an elite band of soldiers is formed...the Strike Force Heroes! Sorry, it appears that an error has occurred. (13+) SIZE: … With unique weapons, abilities, and killstreaks with each class and an epic storyline in Campaign mode, this game is going to be one of your favorites. Making original games costs a lot, and whenever you visit this website, we pay bandwidth charges. Ads help pay for these. Strike Force Heroes returns in Strike Force Heroes 2! Strike Force Heroes Strike Force Heroes 2 Knightfall| Knightfall 2 This is the Only Level This is the Only Level TOO Achievement Unlocked Achievement Unlocked 2 Transformice Sonny 2 Epic Battle Fantasy 3 Epic Battle Fantasy It happens when a player runs out of health, and does..., Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconio. Es ist wieder an der Zeit die Waffen zu laden und einige üble Typen vom Bildschirm zu fegen. Szkoda że strike force heroes niema trybu multi player. Send a message to our Email: Customize 5 unique soldiers with hundreds of weapons, attachments, armor upgrades and camouflages. Thanks for the feedback! We've released a huge update that fixes many bugs, balances some levels, and makes some killstreaks, skills, and weapons both unlock quicker and cheaper! Sumérgete en la más intensa acción en un juego de disparos donde irás junto a otros soldados como tú. Customize 5 unique soldiers with hundreds of weapons, attachments, armor upgrades and camouflages. Desde te presentamos el estupendo juego gratis Strike Force Heroes. R/Right Click - Reload Strike Force Heroes 2 ist da und dieses Mal wird im Weltall gekämpft! Play the campaign for an action packed continuation of the original storyline or try your luck at the new slot machine mode to win rare weapons. It appears there may have been an error with your purchase. Making original games costs a lot, and whenever you visit this website, we pay bandwidth charges. This game requires Flash, please enable Flash to play this game. This is some strategic loadout ideas for the Sniper. 武器には威力、精度、射程距離、連射速度、装弾数がある。威力はレベルが上がると数値が高くなり、ほかは様々な数値になるが、装弾数のみIncreased Clip Size、Reduced Clip Sizeが無い限りどのレベルでも固定となる。, 工兵。バランスが良く、欠点は少ない。敵を一瞬で倒せるような武器は無いが、Skillはどのソルジャーの中でも強力。, 傭兵。前作のCommandoのようなソルジャー。ゲーム内で弾薬が最も多く、体力もやや多め。, 機関銃。連射力や弾数の多さなどはSMGやアサルトライフルを凌ぐが精度が悪くリロードの時間も長い。, 高威力の爆発する弾を発射する。どれも一度撃つとリロードになる上時間が長い為、扱いが難しい, エレメンタル武器は元素攻撃が付着している武器。射程距離が10ft前後しか無いが、精度と攻撃速度がありえないほど高い。リロードも不要。, 右のバーをクリックすると、金を自動で払い、スロットが回る。同じ絵柄が3つ揃えばアイテムが貰える。,,, リロード(OPTIONかポーズすることで リロード、武器切り替え、キルストリークにするかを設定できる), 武器がクリティカルヒットするようになる+x%クリティカル -x%ダメージ。(バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャーのアレ), 敵を倒した時、もう一つの武器が自動的にリロードされる(例として、メイン武器で敵を倒した場合、サブ武器がリロードされる), 8秒間、レーダー画面に敵が移り、画面の敵が赤く表示され(True Stealthの敵も含む)、赤く表示されている敵に対しては与ダメージ+15%, 8秒間、被ダメージ-30%。さらに冷気をまとい、半径8ft内にいる敵を凍結させる。凍結された敵は連射速度が半分になる。, 9秒間、被ダメージ-30%。さらに電気をまとい、半径半径8ft内にいる敵を感電させる。感電された敵は与ダメージ-20%。, 10秒間、被ダメージ-15%。さらに酸をまとい、半径6ft内にいる敵に酸を覆わせる, 意味は完全。Flawlessに似ているが、こちらは元素攻撃が付着したり、クリティカルの発生率などが上がっている, 一発辺りの威力は全ロケラン中最低。弾道もバラつく為自爆しない程度にしゃがんで近距離で撃つべし。, ボルトアクションSRの中ではそこそこの威力、精度、連射速度をもち、バランスに優れている, 威力が高いが、エレメンタル武器としては珍しく精度が悪い(エレメンタルの中では威力が一番高い), キャンペーン1で、マウスで撃てと出た後、来た道を戻って始まる位置から上に進み、そのまま奥へ進む, 本編であるcampaign、パズルゲーム的なchallenges、任意のモードであるcustom gameがある。, レベルアップすると、ステータスが増え、Skillなどがアンロックされるほか、手に入れられるアイテムが強力になる。, 資金や経験値はそれぞれ別枠で管理されており、それぞれで購入(アンロック)する必要がある。, 名前を特定のものにするとcampaign、challenges、custom gameプレイ時にソルジャーの種類関係なく特定のスキンになる。その特定スキンのキャラが敵として出てくる事も, 下段の3つのメダルは、獲得するとcustom gameのModifierにモードが増える。. La misión es tan simple como terminar con todo el enemigo en diversos y peligrosos escenarios. Jetzt liegt es an dir, zur Waffe zu greifen und dich zu verteidigen. Dieses Mal ist eine maskierte Gruppe von bewaffneten Männern in deine Forschungsstation eingedrungen und hat deine Kollegen getötet. Sign-up for Ad-Free Gaming and get rid of ads for as long as you choose. As a side character, he was first introduced by the Scientist... "Epic Cinematic Trailer Music " (Main Menu Theme) "The Meeting". To unblock Flash in Chrome go to Settings > Site Settings > Flash and unblock Flash from running. If you need further support please contact us. Sign-up for Ad-Free Gaming and get rid of ads for as long as you choose.
Controls. Sei Teil des Chaos in diesem verrückten Action-Shooter namens Strike Force Heroes! Hate ads on your game page? Copyright (c) 2005-2020 | | Políticas de de privacidad, condiciones de uso y cuestiones legales | Cookies, Comenta que te ha parecido Strike Force Heroes, Copyright (c) 2005-2020 | |, Políticas de de privacidad, condiciones de uso y cuestiones legales. analytics and serving ads. Update June 1st, 2012: Thanks for the feedback! Mouse – Aim and Shoot. Strike Force Heroes 2 ist da und dieses Mal wird im Weltall gekämpft! We may use cookies to help customize your experience, including performing Strike Force Heroes 2, a free online Action game brought to you by Armor Games. Ads are distracting, can get in the way of your gaming, and sometimes slow down your computer. The "Toxin" was originally created by the scientist. Learn More. We may use cookies to help customize your experience, including performing If you need help enabling Flash, please visit Adobe's site for instructions.
Aber keine Sorge, selbst wenn es ihnen gelingt, dich mit einem Glückstreffer auszuschalten, kannst du nach ein paar Sekunden in der Strafbox einfach respawnen. Verdiene genug Geld, um dir weitere Kämpfer in dein Team zu holen und ihre Fähigkeiten, Waffen und Ausrüstung für die weiteren Aufträge …
In Strike Force Heroes steuerst du eine Figur in einer 2-D-Umgebung. S/Down - Crouch Versuche feindliche Truppen auszuschalten und so lange wie möglich am Leben zu bleiben. In Strike Force Heroes steuerst du eine Figur in einer 2-D-Umgebung. The Player is finally on the nuke and... For the secondary weapon in SFH3, see Crossbow (Secondary). D/Right - Move Right
… Meet the second part of a fantastic game “Strike Force Heroes 2”, in which you have to play as a great warrior, and perform various tasks. Customize 5 unique soldiers with hundreds of weapons, attachments, armor upgrades and camouflages. Shoot your way through dozens of missions and a variety of game modes as you build up … Q/Shift - Switch Weapons
This page contains a list of all the Polls on the Wiki. Passive Skills, or just Skills, are perks that enchance soldiers' perfomance, in one way or... Iagi was a famous DNA scientist. Setze deine Fähigkeiten ein, ziele genau und puste deine Gegner weg. Strike Force Heroes, a free online Shooting game brought to you by Armor Games. Setze deine … Contact us. So do we! Years of explosive training has conditioned the Commando to resist all explosives. If you need further support please contact us. A/Left - Move Left Jouer à Strike Force Heroes - Les créateurs de Raze reviennent en force avec un nouveau jeu d'action-tir comprenant 15 missions, 4 classes de personnage à faire progresser, 65 armes, de nombreux talents et des killstreaks dévastateurs. Hate ads on your game page? Maps are the areas where all the fights happen. In Strike Force Heroes 2 koordinierst du eine Eliteeinheit von Armeekämpfern gegen eine Terrorzelle im Weltraum.
Mouse - Aim and Shoot. WASD or Arrow Keys - Movement Play the campaign for an action packed continuation of the original storyline or try your luck at the new slot machine mode to win rare weapons. Krieche … (13+) (13+) Crash of Cars A real-time multiplayer car battle game by Not Doppler - COMING THIS THURSDAY Strike Force Heroes 4 Strike Force Heroes 4 is waiting for you with full of action and excitement. (from the SFH2 trailer). Viel Spaà damit! E or Ctrl – Activate Killstreak Versuche feindliche Truppen auszuschalten und so lange wie möglich am Leben zu bleiben. Shooters, flash. In Strike Force Heroes 2 koordinierst du eine Eliteeinheit von Armeekämpfern gegen eine Terrorzelle im Weltraum. To unblock Flash in Chrome go to Settings > Site Settings > Flash and unblock Flash from running. In Strike Force Heroes 4, you and your team are working in a space station, but suddenly the aliens are attacking and starting to get in, destroying them using different weapons in your hand to feed your riffs. Continuation of the legendary shooter game starts on an unidentified space station. There are also links to them. If you need help enabling Flash, please visit Adobe's site for instructions. So do we! Eine lustige Mischung aus wilder Balleraction, taktischer Positionierung und cleveren Respawns. Algo bastante importante habría creado el científico como para que las fuerzas de élite de otro país fueran a matar a él y todos sus ayudantes. Hilf ihm sich durch das feindliche Gebiet zu ballern und alle Gegner auszulöschen. It overtakes a victim's brain and fills it... Death is a feature in Strike Force Heroes.
Learn More. Schon bist du wieder bereit das Getümmel in ein Gemetzel zu verwandeln. An manchen Tagen kann man einfach nicht verschnaufen.
Steuerung: Pfeiltasten / WASD = Bewegen / Springen / Ducken, Maus = Zielen / SchieÃen. Due to his... This site is a comprehensive database about Strike Force Heroes, a game made by Justin Goncalves and Mike Sleva. Try the challenges to truly put your skills to the test. Steuerung: Pfeiltasten / WASD = Bewegen / Springen, S = Kauern, Maus = Zielen / SchieÃen. Check it out!
Its genre is a Side-Scrolling Platform Third Person Shooter. Why does Armor Games have ads?
The next installment in the award-winning series is here - welcome to Strike Force Heroes 3! Play the campaign for a fully voiced, action-packed story, or create a custom quickmatch to let off some steam.
It is based largely on opinion, and... Campaign is a game mode in Strike Force Heroes. Strike Force Heroes Download. Vielleicht kommt schon bald Hilfe? In diesem Spiel dreht sich alles um den Nervenkitzel Bösewichte abzuschießen und Gegenfeuer auszuweichen. Jugar a Strike Force Heroes. Ads are distracting, can get in the way of your gaming, and sometimes slow down your computer. This game requires Flash, please enable Flash to play this game. Aber keine Sorge, selbst wenn es ihnen gelingt, dich mit einem Glückstreffer auszuschalten, kannst du nach ein paar Sekunden in der Strafbox einfach respawnen. Strike Force Heroes returns in Strike Force Heroes 2! Astronauts were a group of people on a space station orbiting Earth, seen in the very first... 'Broken' Indicated by a cracked circle and red colour around the equipment/weapons stats. Play the campaign for a fully voiced, action-packed story, or create a custom quickmatch to let off some steam.
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