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den létező rekordot megdöntött. 1995. Antonov An-26 Curl. 1979. Taking the new Bentley car, Jackson, Yuri, their families along with Gordon and Tarmara drove out of the plane and are saved while the other cars get destroyed when the plane touched down. L'Antonov An-124 est généralement utilisé pour les ponts aériens cargo et militaires. Bulgaria. О. К. Антонова ANTK im. RA-82079 Location. 9773052062157 Reg. Hubschrauber Luftfahrt Flugzeuge Militärflugzeug Zivile Luftfahrt Kampfflugzeuge Transportmittel Pilot. Fate It needs to be. The flight was performed during the 8th AVIASVIT XXI Air Show in Kyiv and was recorded by a Guinness World Record official, Antonov 500 — a heavy transport that appeared in the film 2012, based on the Antonov An-225 Bertie — the mascot of Aeroplane Jelly Carreidas 160 — a prototype 10-seat, supersonic business jet seen in Flight 714 to Sydney , one of The Adventures of Tintin [63] [64, Nel film 2012 del 2009, i protagonisti usano un aereo fittizio chiamato Antonov 500, basato sull'Antonov An-225, pieno di auto di lusso, per scappare da Las Vegas e dirigersi in Cina. The Soviet Union’s Antonov An-225 was designed to transport the Buran space shuttle. But while Mriya is breaking world records in the skies, her twin still lies in pieces, only able to dream about leaving the ground. $9.99. An-224 is the original designation of An-225. AN-22 aircraft of ANTONOV Company's air transport subdivision known as Antonov Airlines urgently delivered a container with winches and equipment weighing almost 30 tons from Ostend (Belgium) to Istanbul (Turkey) for deep-water (up to 400 meters) repair of the water piping between Turkey and Cyprus, Antonow - popularna nazwa radzieckich i ukraińskich samolotów konstrukcji Olega Antonowa lub jego biura konstrukcyjnego. Country. Le plus gros avion du monde, l'Antonov 225 qui dépasse en taille l'A380 et dont il n'existe qu'un seul exemplaire, est attendu vendredi après-midi à Toulouse pour prendre livraison d'un. Antonov 225 take-off from Manchester Airport - YouTu. And on December 21, 1988, three years after she was first conceived, Mriya safely transported the Buran spacecraft to Baikonur. En un seul vol de 3h30 en 1989, il a d'ailleurs battu 106. Country. Herpa. Ovaj tip aviona ima internacionalnu dozvolu za najveću težinu pri startu. Ett halvfärdigt An-225 påbörjat under Sovjettiden. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. The giant Antonov 124-100 Ruslan is a heavy lifter aircraft intended for the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo and various special-purpose vehicles.. The aircraft is equipped with a 32 wheel landing gear system. Search Results By Date. As the Antonov continued to lose fuel, everyone on board prepare for a water landing, but since the Earth's crust shifted more than a thousand miles, Asia is now where the Pacific Ocean was, arriving in Cho Ming Valley, Tibet. Antonov An-124 abdul hafiz ab hamid/Shutterstock. I hope I will find it soon though. Antonov 1:500 Contemporary Diecast Aircraft & Spacecraft, Slide {current_page} of {total_pages} - You May Also Like. (I really want to go off our giant ramp with it. Join us on a 12-month journey to see them all, Giant flying machines: 10 of the world's largest aircraft, Inside Airlander 10, the world's longest aircraft, Future airlifters inspired by airships and military, Supersonic, nuclear, with lasers: Oscar Viñals on the future of flight. Il a effectué son premier fois en 1982 et fait partie des plus gros avions militaires jamais construits. It is also equipped with airplane barrel extensions on the front and rear wings to increase range. Dei circa 240 record che detiene, più di 150 furono stabiliti appena l'aereo si staccò da terra per la prima volta. The Mriya passed certification testing and was certified to perform commercial operations on May 23, 2001. Cockpit-Video über einen Flug auf YouTube, abgerufen am 4. AN-22 aircraft of ANTONOV Company’s air transport subdivision known as Antonov Airlines urgently delivered a container with winches and equipment weighing almost 30 tons from Ostend (Belgium) to Istanbul (Turkey) for deep-water (up to 400 meters) repair of the water piping between Turkey and Cyprus. To this day, Mriya remains the heaviest aircraft ever built. The range of aircraft varies between 4,000 km and 15,400 km. Antonov An-225 Mriya Cockpit and Avionics. Antonov An-148 je ukrajinské dvojmotorové prúdové transportné lietadlo, ktoré dokáže prepraviť do 85 osôb (do 99 vo verzii An-158). Amazon Business: For business-only pricing, quantity discounts and FREE Shipping.. 37 Antonov Aircraft for Sale Worldwide. Loads that are too large can be carried on a wide cargo deck and on an externally mounted mount.

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