Again, as long as you have a free arm, there is no reason at all not to use the biggest, baddest shield you can find. Craft Construct is very useful if you want to make golems and other construct defenders, beyond your homunculi.
The Artificer is a good class, and it makes you think twice before multiclassing or taking a PrC, much like the Rogue does.
This one might cause the DM to ban you at the table. Obviously the Mark of Making is the best of the Dragonmarks for an Artificer.
The barbarian just suffers from a lack of sustain as a tank.
This build is both pretty cool and fits well in most settings, definitely worth using, and it's unlikely the DM will ban the character. This lets the Artificer essentially deconstruct any magic item and suck the XP used to create it out and put into their craft reserve. Of all the races, mechanically speaking, Shifters make the worst Artificers. This may be particularly valuable if you are a Gnome. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
You can infuse all day long wearing your medium armor without fear of messing up. From the Warlock class pick the invocations improved pact weapon, thirsting blade, and life drinker.
If you are proficient in persuasion (if you're a bard you should be), Diplomat will also double your proficiency bonus on persuasion checks.
While this is fine at lower levels, at higher levels you’re going to be limited by not being able to make full attacks with your crossbow. Most effective, especially at low levels, is Personal Weapon Augmentation. While half-elves do not have any racial bonuses to skills or abilities that benefit an Artificer, they do have the ability to manifest the Mark of Storm, and to be a member of House Lyrandar.
Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. And while these may sound powerful, infusions are much more likely to have costly (very costly!) You can Empower this, Maximize this, Quicken this...and if you want to get silly, you can Dual Wield this for desperate measures. Alternatively if not, and you have a wizard or cleric within your ranks that is capable of casting certain 8th level spells (one of which is chaotic), for a process that cost the spell caster a total of 500 xp. You can potentially pump out hundreds of points of damage this way, although it typically drains the entire wand into one massive blast to do it. A 14 will serve you well here, but never let this go negative, as it will hurt you far too much. This one is a good idea for Blastificers that don’t want to deal with the failure chance on activating their wands.
These are conditional. With its ability to sneak around and steal things, nothing is outside of your grasp.
Its really a no brainer, get one as soon as you can, by hook or by crook.
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