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I soon found that I was racing through the page. The opening chapter hooked me and reeled me straight in. I have to be honest, it wasn't one that grabbed me right from the start but the more I read the more intrigued I became as more and more odd things came to light. I've never read any of Shalinis books before and I was not disappointed! I would like to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review. Do email me if you have any of your own, or have a look at a Q&A with me. Is this justified? I absolutely loved this book and read it from cover to cover in just under 2 hours whilst out having a pre Christmas coffee! I really felt for Tessa and hoped that everything wpuld turn out alright for her. And I know my jaw definitely dropped firmly to the floor at that shocking moment when everything came together, finally hitting me full on with the truth about why and how that little boy came to be in Tessa’s kitchen. What Changes/Decisions Would You Hope For If The Book Were Turned Into A Movie? Your email address will not be published. The opening chapter hooked me and reeled me straight in. x�YKs�6��W�H�Ċ��^:M�i�&��V'���P���&!�J���^r�o�.��(Y�~a�h_ُvA媴u����}m[���]j��l����0�qYϳ�V�-�zN�E:�J3"���H|$Z�L�*���}��i)��Y���kf��6ol�䧙]�3������>��3w����ؙ�ͮ���o�ό���yZgiN�c��ؾ�\������͌0�H?�Ha��������K2N�;@[�@Lr�3| tu��*��zf�j�$����̐�&������e���Ydl�\�9װ�Hg���$~Z�����+��A����]��tJ��O�Ҳ� �M�����I\��0�7= 餝�$ ���e����-���V��&ѭ+�b��'਑����bf��������SJQ����j*� ����e1�m�hC�$]V�$�')G¹gC>p��K�Ϊ����]V�n=�:a��ǚ������� ղ�e�)Ɋ�α��4�u��au��۞���D"]q�� "�I� ����͘:���G*a����HV�����>�de�i7�C���Q������ �z$��X0��4te!O�ޡ��z��Y�*g�2�"�����M*����C �iz�H�vCE[���&@1-�ED���ힿD� ��h5P�(m8��2��4��I�>����L��=�݄T��rH4�ăN�Vpx�0�h �A|�G�'K�.`��� � Yes, I was only going to have an hour before I cooked tea but that plan was well and truly scuppered and it was Pot Noodles all round. Well, I read...okay devoured this book in about five hours straight. The secret Mother by Shalini Bolton was a excellent psychological thriller. My Mother’s Secret Book Club Questions. I read most of this in one night... only stopping when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. flag * Ckolleen May 08, 2017 10:44AM 0 votes I read this book after my 12 year old niece … God that man wound me up!! Don't know what your Q has to do with the price of beans in regards to this book but a part of your question caught me off guard enough to say something along with some (maybe) help with your issue. A. Reviews Other Stuff This is my first read by Shalini Boland but I will have to look out for more of her books! Did it say how Sam died or did I read over that part? And I then love meeting up with people to chat about what I’ve read, maybe over a glass of wine! I’m pretty sure I gasped out loud at one point as all the fast paced twists and turns gathered even more momentum. I got sucked up into the story and couldn't wait to find out what happened next. Beware of this book!!! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I won't be rushing to read this. As a member or leader of a book club, you are likely to be reading books on a wide variety of topics, both fiction and nonfiction.No matter the genre, age, notoriety, or length of the book of the moment, book club questions can kickstart or enhance your group discussion.Whether you are discussing characters and their actions, setting, theme, or images, having a guide to questions that … Before reading The Secret Mother i felt in a bit of a reading slump. Before reading The Secret Mother i felt in a bit of a reading slump. %��������� I may seem unfeeling but no I have no sympathy for Helen's mother. It certainly keeps you reading. Hello :) I write suspense thrillers and dark adventures, and I live in Dorset, England with my husband, two children and our dog. I can’t believe that I’ve never read a Shalini Boland novel before!! I found this book to be a thrilling, exciting ride right up to the final twist which left me open mouthed. And yet I don’t know him. I soon found that I was racing through the pages eager to find out more and discover the secrets behind the little boys sudden appearance in Tessa's kitchen. As a psychological thriller it fell flat because there was little to no suspense, I can’t imagine there’s a reader who will pick this up and not work out the plot before the halfway mark and if there is then they mustn’t read many psychological thrillers. Tessa Markham is a grieving mother who visits the graves of her twins to cope with her loss, she returns home to find a little boy in her kitchen asking " ARE YOU MY MUMMY" this sends shockwaves through her she rings Scott her ex husband & tells him to come home quick. And I wanted to punch her husband for being such an unsupportive, selfish and dismissive idiot! As for the why she allowed her daughter to be abused there is no answer to that. I’m conflicted about how I felt about this one. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Our next read-along, to be discussed on Monday October 1st at 8.30pm in The Motherload® Book Club is… All My Mother’s Secrets by Beezy Marsh. Author of psychological thrillers, ‘One Year Later’, 'My Mother's Secret', 'The Stolen Child' & award-winning 'Bone by Bone', pub by @AtlanticBooks. My Secret Sister question 58 views. The pace of this book was tremendous and tense. My Favorite Book Club Questions << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> I love reading and writing – obviously! Where the hell had this kid come from and what was in Tessa's past? Absolutely loved it and Shalini Boland now has another huge fan!! Such a fantastic book! I'm not even kidding, I did not guess the ending. When Tessa arrives home from work one night to what should be an empty house only to find a little boy in her kitchen she has no clue what she should do. In the meantime, I’ll let you into a secret – the character I like best in My Mother’s Secret! Yes, I was only going to have an hour before I cooked tea but that plan was well and truly scuppered and it was Pot Noodles all round. I just couldn't motivate myself to do much reading. by Bookouture. Harry is sitting at the table drawing a picture of a woman and a little boy standing next to a train. Even from the opening scenes it was kind of obvious what might have happened, but I was surprised at just how obvious it was as the story progressed. Oh yes, yes yes yes yes, this was my kind of read, I really have taken this and added it to my top 10 this year, its a screaming from the rooftops fantastic read, if you love a good thriller, if you love to guess what happens next, if you love to stay up all night reading because you simply can't switch your mind off from a book, this is it, you found it, don't look any further. She writes good characters and engaging, not too grim mysteries, which I have found engaging from start to finish in both cases. See all 7 questions about The Secret Mother…, Sandy *The world could end while I was reading and I would never notice*, THE BEST FRIEND - a chilling psychological thriller, THE GIRL FROM THE SEA - a gripping psychological thriller, The OUTSIDE SERIES - a twisty post-apocalyptic adventure, The MARCHWOOD VAMPIRE SERIES - an epic supernatural adventure, November's Most Anticipated Young Adult Reads. Tessa Markham comes home one evening to find a strange 5-year-old boy in her north London terraced house. In case you’d like to talk about My Mother’s Secret in your book club, we’ve put together some questions to get you started. ���h��4,�C�{����0�y�� 꽷X� Ɓ�V�'F����.�`�AFM)��. I haven't read a book in one sitting in awhile. The Secret Mother is my second book by Boland, but it won't be my last. The secret to each question is that they are all open ended - if something can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" you do not want to include it in your book club question list. She does not know the child and she has no idea how he got into her house. Whew! Shalini Boland writes good solid novels that grip the reader and thrill to the very end. I found Tessa to be authentic, believable and real, as were all the other characters and both (lovely) Ben and (donkey brain) Scott were drawn brilliantly. It’s part social commentary about first-time moms and part thriller. When the little boy ask Tessa if she is to be his new mother Tessa knows she must find out just who this boy is and where he's come from. Too many questions to be answered and ones I couldn't possibly ignore to cook. "It's you and me," he says. THE PRIEST AND THE LILY, my epic historical novel, @royalsocietyofliterature asked me what I’m read, ‘Secrets within families are very important.’, ‘I write in a white and minimal office in rural, Think I might have mixed up my iconographies , I’m currently reading ‘The Book of Echoes’ b, ‘Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. another great gripping psychological thriller the secret mother is twist with a drop of annoyance thrown in to keep you on your toes. I’ve been in a lot of book clubs, and I know it’s not always easy to get a conversation going on a book. Why can't I get this off my device.. it is not my wish to view every book i read for your ego. Refresh and try again. I was on the edge of my seat through the whole book! jG�u�v������f�Ci;j�U'���H���D����p,`@�k�C.ŏ�`t �M;u_��� uG'��岺71��z�,�����-熬 �*���Q��π4qB��!d��2C��6��V����X�4���()�g��"C��c1�F �AT�|ÕwL�6e����rU�e�jQ-'r���;���ha�� ˟�A��v�B��$�P��3�+��RC��� R�6��,���}3�;"qm�ۨ���� �T�Glu�ݎ���Eh j����Y��%T�(�j7Q�! “This beautiful little boy is calling me his mummy. We’d love your help. I was hooked from the very first page until the last page. Welcome back. The Secret Mother is my second book by Boland, but it won't be my last. When Tess Markham arrives home after visiting the graves of her twins, she finds a little boy in her kitchen who asks her "are you my Mummy"? The pace of this book was tremendous and tense. She has to fight to prove her innocence but even the people closest to her are questioning the truth. After contacting the police, Tessa comes under suspicion of snatching the boy. In the meantime, I’ll let you into a secret – the character I like best in My Mother’s Secret! Do let me know who you like best! Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. One Sunday afternoon, she returns home to find a young boy at her kitchen table - and he claims she is his mother. This one was devoured before bed when I only planned to get through about 25% of it. Tessa Markham has been living alone since she and her husband had split up after the loss of their son.

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