robo en la noche chapter 1 summary

We read chapters 1 and 2 last week, and chapter 3 yesterday. M…, Makenna and Ines cut mangos and other fruit for the birds. 4 - What did Makenna think about her situation compared to Ines'? Todos 368 times. Results are being recorded. Robo en la Noche book. Like What You See? ¿Dónde va a vivir Mimi cuando puede volar? She now lives in a tiny house with one bedroom, small bathroom, and a living room. Since there are now 5 main characters that have been introduced in the first three chapters, I wanted to provide… 2. Can you put the pieces back together? carjacking. Robo en la Noche Paperback – January 1, 2009 by Kristy Placido (Author) 4.4 out of 5 stars 27 ratings. View This Storyboard as a Slide Show! Copy this to my account; E-mail to a friend ... ¿Dónde está la hermana de Makenna? Since there are now 5 main characters that have been introduced in the first three chapters, I wanted to provide a quick activity with the goal to review the characters and their role in the story. Create your own! Makenna and her dad got to the airport where Cecilio waited for them to take them home. Ricardo explains that he does not like the people that steal birds. se sentó. Chapter 1 Makenna is on the plane to Costa Rica Her dad is reading a bird magazine while Makenna looks out the window and thinks about her friends and her sister Makenna doesn’t want to go to Costa Rica because all of her friends are in Michigan and she can’t text them from Costa Rica Makenna pretends her mom is listening when she talks to Bender Chapter 2 Makenna sees there are many buildings in Costa Rica but they are not tall because of the earthquakes Makenna … ... Chapter 1 2. We read chapters 1 and 2 last week, and chapter 3 yesterday. Robo en la noche Chapter 1, 2, 3 DRAFT. Ready to learn Chapter 2 3. Robo en la noche (Past tense) E-course Robo en la noche (Past tense) Capítulo 1 Robo en la noche – Capítulo 1 – Comprensión (Past tense) Time limit: 0 Quiz Summary Earned Point(s): 0 of 0, (0) Robo En La Noche Chapter 6 SummaryAt the beginning of the Chapter, Makenna is going a large house. (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 2 - Repaso (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 2 - Two Truths and a Lie (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 3, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 3 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 3 - ¿Quién es? Can you match the first half of each statement about the chapter with its end? While making breakfast, Ricardo and Makenna speak about Mimi, Makenna's bird. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Save. Ready to learn Chapter 6 7. La situación en la hacienda era perfecta y Juan Carlos no volvió. Todos iban a Curú. Robo en la Noche | TPRS Teacher - Feb 16, 2012 Robo en la Noche, by Kristy Placido Fifteen-year-old Makenna Parker had reservations about her father s new job in Costa Rica, but little did she know . Robo en la noche Chapter 1, 2, 3 DRAFT. Las aves pequeñas ¿Cuál es el "trabajo especial" de Makenna? Copy. he/she looked through the window. 0 Essay(s) Pending (Possible Point(s): 0). 2. For the times when more than one day has passed between reading chapters, I plan a quick review to review what has previously happened in the book. ... ¿Por qué es necesario tener un guardia por la noche? The arrived at the Ranch where there were many plants. Margarita makes breakfast for Makenna; it is rice and beans. What is Margarita like? My Spanish 2 students are reading "Robo en la noche", which is the third book for the semester. miró por la ventana. Mimi era grande y bonita. SARAH JAVIN HARRISON Capitulo 7 Robo en La Noche Makenna vio a Juan Carlos. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. ¿Cuál es la profesión del papá de Makenna? Read 21 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. 2 years ago. Quiz complete. My Spanish 2 students are reading "Robo en la noche", which is the third book for the semester.We read chapters 1 and 2 last week, and chapter 3 yesterday. Welcome to Memrise! Start studying Robo en la Noche Chapters 1-6 Quiz. Jan 6, 2017 - Chapter one summary Makenna and her father (Dr. Parker) are on a plane (el avión), flying to Costa Rica. Create your own! (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 11, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 11 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 11 - CLOZE (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 11 - Which Sitch is Which? 2. This storyboard was created with Storyboard Text . Subjects: Spanish. Ha! Makenna thinks its weird to have gallo pinto in the morning. Grades: 8 th, 9 th, 10 th. These sentences have broken in two! (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 9 - Sort it Out (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 10, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 10 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 10 - ¿Quién lo dijo? Fue a las casitas de las aves pero alguien habia robado todas las aves con la excepcion de Mimi. se sentaron. Following amateur rules, they are scheduled for three 2-minute rounds. There are great jungl…, Margarita makes breakfast for Makenna; it is rice and beans. (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 8 - Eight is Enough (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 9, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 9 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 9 - ¿Cierto, falso o posible? (stealing) a. theft. Robo en la noche by Krísty Placído Tres meses pasaron y Mimi iba a ir a la selva. Makenna had heard screaming inside the houses and Cecilio explained that the noise were birds. I made it to explore more about narrating a life event after my students read Chapter 5 of "Robo en la noche" by Kristy Placido. (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 12, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 12 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 12 - Emociones (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 12 - Eventful (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 13, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 13 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 13 - ¿Quién lo dijo? Several days before reading chapter 13, choose 9 sentences from the chapter that will be easy to illustrate and tells the events of the chapter. My Spanish 2 students are currently reading Robo en la noche, a book written by Kristy Placido.I've read this book before with my level 2 students, but this time I noticed that the students were struggling a bit, (a problem that I take the blame for due to the way I introduced the first two chapters - see the end of the post for more details). (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 1 - The Splits (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 2, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 2 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 2 - ¿Cierto o falso? World Languages. Mario admitted that he had taken part in the bank robbery. There’s probably a better way to go about it, but I sure as heck can’t figure it out. My Spanish 2 students are reading "Robo en la noche", which is the third book for the semester. abordaron el avión. he/she sat. Robo en la noche 5-6. by paitonvincent. Tools. El Dr. Parker va a trabajar en Costa Rica, Bender era el caballo de la madre de Makenna, Robo en la noche (Present tense) E-course, Robo en la noche – Capítulo 1 – The Splits (Present Tense). Robo en la noche - ch 6 & 7 When I read a mini-novel with my students, we are not always able to read a chapter each day. Updated: 4/16/2018. Makenna and her father … Robo en la noche (Present tense) E-course Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 1 Robo en la noche – Capítulo 1 – The Splits (Present Tense) These sentences have broken in two! robbery at night. Join millions of people who are already learning for free on Memrise! Ready to learn Chapter 5 6. (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 13 - Primero o segundo (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 14-15, Robo en la noche - Capítulos 14 & 15 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 14 - Al principio o al final (Present Tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 15 - Curtain Call (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Glosario. She…, Hija de Dr. David Parker... No quiere viajar a Costa Rica, Padre de Makenna y Alex... Ecólogo... Viaje a Costa Rica por el trab…, La hermana de Makenna... Estuve en la universidad, Ex-esposa de Dr. David Parker... Hacía muerto tres años en un acc…, Robo en la noche Chapter 12 - vocabulario. 79% average accuracy. They are flying all the way to this exotic country because they are moving there! Mario admitió haber participado en el robo al banco. Hablaba por telefono. (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 3 - Antes, después o durante (Present Tense), Robo en la noche (Present tense) Capítulo 4, Robo en la noche - Capítulo 4 - Comprensión (Present tense), Robo en la noche - Capítulo 4 - ¿Qué dirían? Copy. 7F the seat next to her dad and the old lady, Michigan state university and for thirteen years, Makenna is 15 years old on a plane heading to San Jose with he…, Robo en la Noche (Chapter 5), Robo en la noche Chapter 4, Robo en la noche Chapter 6, Robo en la Noche (Chapter 5), Robo en la noche Chapter 4, There are lots of earthquakes and peace. Like What You See? Makenna pensaba que el tenia otro novia. they boarded the plane. Hence you can not start it again. On the way home Cecilio explaned about Costa Rica and himslelf. You must sign in or sign up to start the quiz. Fifteen-year-old Makenna Parker had reservations about her father’s new job in Costa Rica, but little did she know that missing her home and her friends would be the least of her worries.

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