You will not copy, modify or distribute content from the Game except as specifically authorized by us. You either are at least 18 (eighteen) years old or older if required by the applicable law or, if You are under age of 18 (eighteen), that Your parent or legal guardian has agreed to the respective purchase and these Terms of Service on Your behalf; b. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO OUR BEST TO PROCESS AND COMPLETE YOUR PURCHASES AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, BUT UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES WE MAY NEED UP TO 72 (SEVENTY TWO) HOURS TO COMPLETE YOUR PURCHASE. Without creating the Account it is impossible to follow the progress of the Game created on another device. The Game may be accessed through the Mobile Application without creation of the Account. You must not download (except as part of the proper use or operation of the Game or the Services), copy, publish, post, distribute, print, reproduce, modify, adapt, transfer, disseminate, copyright, trademark or make any commercial use of any content (fully or partially) available in the Game, on the Site, in the Game client, in the Facebook™ App, in the Mobile Application or the Services, unless we expressly authorize You to do so in writing. We may also prohibit You from accessing or using the Game or any of the Services in the future. The Game and certain Services permit You to create and/ or upload materials, which You have created, such as, including but not limited to, posts, chat messages and profile content associated with Your Account (hereinafter the “User Generated Content” or “UGC”). PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR GAME PROGRESS AS WELL AS ALL PURCHASED VIRTUAL GOODS ARE DIRECTLY LINKED TO THE EXISTENCE OF YOUR ACCOUNT. For creating the Account, You will need either an active email address or Facebook™ profile. Sit a good distance away from the screen; b. preferably play the game on a small screen; c. avoid playing if You are tired or have not had much sleep; d. make sure that the room in which You are playing is well lit; e. rest for at least 10-15 minutes per hour while playing the Game. marks or trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited.
If any of the provisions of these Terms of Service regarding the consumer rights contradict any of the provisions of the applicable consumer protection law, the respective provisions of these Terms of Service shall not be applied. You are not allowed to accept these Terms of Service if: a. In order to purchase the Virtual Goods, when using the Game through the Site, You need the Account. In most cases the said period of 72 (seventy-two) hours is enough for the providers of the payment services either to process Your payment (so we can complete it) or automatically refund the full price of Your purchase.
However, the Game may permit You to purchase premium content, including but not limited to rights to use virtual items, access to additional features and additional in-game services (hereinafter collectively the “Virtual Goods”). Please note that Your progress in the Game won’t be saved unless You create the Account before exiting the demo mode.
the world, and used under licence. We don’t guarantee that such upgrades and improvements won’t change Your experience of using the Game and/ or the Services. This may happen even if the person has no medical history of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures. You are not of the legal age to form a binding agreement with us. h. You will not disrupt or attempt to disrupt the Game or any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Game. The access to the Game and basic gameplay features is free of charge. When using Speedups it is better to wait for your clan to help, as each help takes 1% of the total time off the construction, meaning less Speedups needed. You can try again later. You are responsible for keeping Your Account secure from third parties. If Your Account is suspended (or blocked) permanently, You will never be able either to access it or use the Game or any of the Services. l. You will not use any software, technology, or device to send content or messages, scrape, spider, or crawl the Game, or harvest or manipulate data from the Game. Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, These terms of service (hereinafter the “Terms of Service”) govern the relationship between You (as the user of certain services) (hereinafter “You” in all forms) and the company SCOREWARRIOR LIMITED whose principal place of business is at: 16 Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, Divine Clock Tower, 1st floor, 3070 Limassol, Cyprus (hereinafter the “Company” and/ or “we” in all forms) in relation to: 1. our online browser game (hereinafter the “Game”) available through the following means: a. our website (hereinafter the “Site”); b. our mobile application of the Game (hereinafter the “Mobile Application”); c. our downloadable clients of the game: Desktop client and Steam™ client (hereinafter the “Game client”); d. our game in Facebook™ App center (hereinafter the “Facebook™ App”); 2. any other services we may provide to You in relation to the Game in accordance with these Terms of Service, including but not limited to support service and premium service (hereinafter collectively the “Services”). Please note that we are always looking forward to provide support to you in relation to technical problems / difficulties that you may encounter while using the Game. Some individuals may experience discomfort (such as motion sickness, dizziness, or eyestrain) when playing the Game. Please address all Your questions, complaints or comments regarding these Terms of Service to our Support at: If a satisfactory solution is not reached in mutual negotiations, the dispute shall exclusively be settled by the courts of general jurisdiction of England in accordance with the laws of England. Make one here. Please reenable cookies to continue. j. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either registered You will not use any service or software that accesses, intercepts, "mines," or otherwise collects information from the Game or that is in transit from or to the Game. The Game and the Services are provided on the “as is” and “as available” basis. Some people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life.
Creative Assembly, the Creative Assembly logo, Total War and the Total War logo are either registered trade marks or trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited. In order to use the Game and the Services You have to create an account (hereinafter the “Account”).
there is no Facebook … Still by uploading or making available Your UGC via the Game or the Services You grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sublicenseable, irrevocable license to store, publish, print, distribute, reproduce, adapt, modify, transfer and use for commercial purposes (including but not limited to the use in for advertisement purposes) Your UGC. sending a message), You must carefully review Your purchase details, including but not limited to the selected payment method and total price including all applicable taxes and charges. We limit how often you can post, comment or do other things in a given amount of time in order to help protect the community from spam. Press the Download button to install the standalone game client on your PC, Visit Google Play to install the game on your Android device, Visit the App Store to install the game on your iOS device, If you continue using our website, you are agreeing to accept these files. You can continue your existing game progress anytime, anywhere! Please be aware that in respect to the Virtual Goods we reserve the following rights: a. to offer different sets and/or prices for the Virtual Goods available for purchase for different users of the Game; b. at any time in our sole discretion to modify the sets and/ or prices of the Virtual Goods available for any user of the Game; c. to decline Your request to acquire the Virtual Goods for any reason. In some cases, we may allow You to use the Game and/ or the Services in a demo mode, which You may access without creating the Account. Assembly, the Creative Assembly logo, Total War and the Total War logo are either registered trade Under no circumstances should You disclose password from Your Account to third parties.
By using Your Account You may access the Game and Your progress in the Game through the Site, Game Client, Facebook™ App and the Mobile Application.
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