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He is about 5 years old. (2019). In the case of this particular question however, it sounds as if all the rabbits are being kept together and only one rabbit has a floppy ear. Those of us fortunate enough to share our lives with a rabbit will know they are sensitive animals. This article is purely informative. thank you i have a rabbit named harold with the same isshu but i now know that he is alright. Preference for Rabbit Faces Differs according to Skull Morphology and Demographic Factors. What does that mean? To prevent this from happening, you will need to ensure your rabbit's ears are regularly cleaned. However, the other types are relatively rare. But now his ears have gone floppy. Since the nasal sinuses and those in the ear are connected, it is possible one area is affected first and it spreads to another. Some have naturally droopy ears, others have ears which stand alert. 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Here are the most common causes of otitis in rabbits: In this case, the mite that most frequently causes problems in lagomorphs is Psoroptes cuniculi. Floppy ears may be the result of an injury. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain. If a foreign body has entered the animal's ear, the area can become inflamed. Full lionhead rabbits do not have flopped ears. Heat can cause floppy ears in Flemish giants. High humidity and warm temperatures create conducive environments for fungal infections in rabbits. If we fear our rabbit may be sick, there are various signs we need to be careful and look out for. Similar to humans, a rabbit can have allergies to food, medication or material in their environment. Moreover, they might naturally have one ear which is erect and another which droops down. To help you know what you might expect, check out our article on the most frequent diseases in rabbits. My rabbit is 6months and was part of a home bred litter.. And some were along the lines of my rabbits family they was crossed with a lopp.. If the rabbits are very young, you may find that more bunnies develop floppy ears as they grow older. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Harvey, N. D., et al. However, there are also symptoms of disease in rabbits which we can look out for, other than ear position. Not sure if hes sick because he eats and drinks well, and seems very happy and energetic whenever I let him out of his cage. It could be a recessive genetic trait that happens to be being expressed in this rabbit only, it could be a trait that more rabbits will show as they age, it could be the result of injury, or it could be a result of being too hot. Treatment involves going to the veterinarian to determine the allergy type and avoiding it in the future. His mum is a lop and I did wonder if this has anything to do with a lop gene being passed down (He is 19 weeks old). Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. I have a 2.5 month old female rabbit I don’t know what breed she is but when i got her ; her ears were up and she was tiny not even a pound . It is difficult to answer this question with complete confidence simply because we do not truly know the breeding of the rabbits in question. Injury Can Cause Floppy Ears in Any Breed of Rabbit. If your rabbit eats and drinks well and appears bright and healthy and not in pain, it is probably of no great concern. While we stated above the reasons why a healthy rabbit may have one floppy ear, it is also a possible sign of a health problem in rabbits. Physical trauma might result in the ears falling down. Has your rabbit been subject to some sort of injury either in its hutch or with other rabbits? In my experience it is due to the prolong heat exposure, what i do not know is if the ears will come up once the summer heat descends. Pet. All 5 of my rabbits are Lionhead. This is because it has various causes. If you want to read similar articles to My Rabbit Has One Floppy Ear, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category. Normal lionhead rabbits are popular, but the lop ears completely perfects these adorable bunnies! My rabbit has one ear up and one ear down. Rabbits whose ears flop over are referred to as 'lops'. My Rabbit's Stomach is Making Gurgling Sounds. Animals, 9, 728., Videos related to My Rabbit Has One Floppy Ear, Click to attach a photo related to your comment, My Dog Has One Floppy Ear - Causes and What to Do, My rabbit has one ear up and one ear down,,,, How to Tell If Your Rabbit Has an Ear Infection, My Dog Has a Swollen Ear - Aural Hematoma in Dogs, My Rabbit Has Diarrhea - Causes and Treatment, Why Is My Dog Bleeding From Its Anus? In the case of this particular question however, it sounds as if all the rabbits are being kept together and only one rabbit has a floppy ear. She’s eating normal like she’s happy and healthy . The German Lop rabbit s a robust, weighing between 2 and 3 kilos (4.4 and 6.6lbs). If we are at all unsure, we need to take the rabbit to a veterinarian for examination and diagnosis. The lop gene is present in many different strains of rabbit. These are also frequently used parasiticides in cats and dogs. If we see that our rabbit has one floppy ear, it might suggest to us there is a problem. 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Any lesion or wound seen on the skin will need to be addressed as it can promote secondary infection. Ahhh... how cute! When the infection becomes advanced, we should not hesitate and go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. It has a long coat. He is about 8 weeks old, and when I first got him, he had ears that would stick up. Favourite answer. - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist . It could mean that some "lop" genes have snuck into the gene pool somewhere and expressed themselves in this one little rabbit. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. In these cases, otitis is caused by different bacteria, including Pasteurella multicida. Adult lionhead lops will usually weigh between 2 and 5.5 lbs. Otitis is one of the most frequent health problems in rabbits. What Makes a Rabbit Cute? In many it never showed and only in some it did.. At AnimalWised, we look at what happens when your rabbit has one floppy ear. If a rabbit with any lop genes in its genotype was bred into the lines of your rabbits, that could explain a floppy ear. The main diseases which cause a rabbit's ear to fall are: Otitis: the most common cause of the rabbit having one droop… What could be wrong with mine. Thanks. Another possible cause is injury. A common type of lop is the mini-lop, but there are also Holland lops and other kinds of lops. When i got my rabbit his ears were straight but now his left ear lopp's and the right stays up but can bend down witch he never does.. Ear movement is key in their communication. Why do some rabbits' ears remain upright throughout their lives while others' suddenly flop? It may be due to genetics. 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This process is automatic. Otitis is itself and inflammation of the auditory canal and is the most common reason for a rabbit having one floppy ear. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Our lionhead rabbit has suddenly developed one floppy ear. We look at the possible diseases which might list this as a symptom, as well as what rabbit ear positions mean as signals for communication. There is another possible cause of floppy ears however, especially in Flemish Giants, and that is heat. So it depends on the history of his late past family :) x. One of the most important has to do with rabbit communication. 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