Loosen the screw holding the earthing lead from the contact set to the distributor body, then pull the lead clear. surfaces indicate that the points have been set too close together. Most classic cars do not have electronic distributors, but rather rely on a set of points to trigger the ignition system.
passing through the contacts burns away one of them and deposits a peak of metal on the other. or held by nuts. blade between the points to measure the gap. if (geoIps instanceof Array && geoIps[0] && geoIps[0] == "-") {
Some shop manuals recommend using the starter to do this, a frustratingly imprecise method. surface are a good reason to buy new points. Terms of Service. (not too tight), and measure the gap. Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler, Ram, and Mopar are trademarks of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Not completely -- On most types you can adjust the gap by freeing the fixing screw and sliding the entire assembly, or sometimes just one contact, around a pivot; some types have a special adjusting screw. engine speeds, particularly up hill and immediately after changing gear. and all the lobes together are called a cam. target = true; Remove the nut from the terminal post on the side of the distributor, and the main fixing screw of the assembly. stroke).
If you think about the relationship between the points and the cam, you can see that placing the stationary contact point The contact points are in two parts. When it's right, tighten that holdown srew snugly, and then check the gap one more time- it's easy to get it out of whack when you tighten it. Use this method to make sure you have a good seal. This is called the "go-no-go" method. These are flat steel blades marked with their distributors Tips for Timing the Engine of a Classic Car, Aligning Valve Cover Gaskets With Bolt Holes.
On the second type, loosen two screws to free the rotor arm. Lift off the old assembly, fit the new one and reconnect the lead.
and the other is screwed to the contact plate. //Execute ajax call to verify user EU GEOIP and start correct process. Meter reading combined was too low. If there is
The contact plate will wiggle off the distributor once the two crosshead are found on many different cars and are generally very xhttp.open("GET", "/videoplayer/verify_user_eu_geoip.php?verifyUserGeoIp=true"); You can still set the point gap on the "primary" point set in the distributor (see note below), but you might as well forget the secondary point set at this moment. If the distributor is still on the car it can be placed in 3rd or 4th gear and rolled until the gap is at it's widest. Tighten the fixing screw, then check that points gap remains the same. Always get the better ones- cheap points are no bargain, and good ones aren't expenisive compared to the performance they give.. (cheap points have lightweight springs which can behave unpredicably at high rpms). Undo the screw or screws holding the assembly and lift it off.
if (xhttp.readyState == 4) {
pivot and some sort of spring, usually just a curved vsCFTagsNonEuFunctions = [];
Push the sliding type with a thin screwdriver blade rotating in its adjusting slot, or just adjust the screw, until you feel that the points offer a slight } Remove the fixing screw, lift off the assembly and fit the new one. I used to set my points at
Then you may need to go back and check/reset the timing again, as the dwell adjustment could have changed the spark timing. document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; yeah, you'll probably get a handful more horespower with electronic ignition, but for me part of the fun of old cars is dealing with the old technology. Re: points gap (distributor) A wire gauge makes it easier & more accurate then the usual strip. , the normal way of checking the gap between them is with a Put the car in fourth gear, release the handbrake, and with your eye on the distributor cam, On some cars, because of limited space, the only way of replacing the contact-breaker points or
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