Learn how to play Archer with your neighborhood Baraka archer. Ahead of we speak about person pieces, I would like to mention that the recommended Crit Factor is +380. Increases harm by 9.3% when attacking enraged monsters.
Learn to play Valkyrie, the female Castanic melee damage dealer class. This makes potential score runs as priest easier. This is a heavily PvE focused guide and will not cover PvP.
Learn how to tank with the revamped warrior! Don’t worry too much if you can’t get a top-tier innerwear off the bat, any Crit Factor innerwear is fine but as you get better gear you want to upgrade that as well. Links to the Warrior Bible and Discord with 2019 Gear, Glyphs, EP Talents, Advanced Skills, and Skill Usage Tips and Tricks. U4GM as a specialist tera on the web gold net page gives safe, speedy and cheap TERA gold for you. This guide is heavily focused on min-maxing is geared towards veteran and well-practiced players looking for some insight on how to fully utilize their abilities. This video is aimed for the PC version but for the Xbox and PS4 players, you can still find some useful information.If you have any questions, write them in the comments or you can use my discord and write everything you need there.Beginner Guide - What You Need To Knowhttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=438438684BuddyUp system - purpose, limits, and rewardshttps://board.tera.gameforge.com/index.php/Thread/66360-BuddyUp-system-purpose-limits-and-rewards/Buddyup codes EU servershttps://steamcommunity.com/app/212740/discussions/0/135508292190339001/?ctp=14Buddyup codes Na serverhttps://forums.enmasse.com/tera/discussion/27060/buddy-up-codes-post-your-june-2018-list-here/p6TERA Chat Command Guidehttps://forums.enmasse.com/tera/discussion/12710/tera-chat-command-guideENCHANTING \u0026 UPGRADINGhttps://en.tera.gameforge.com/news/page/enchanting-upgradingBATTLEGROUND: KUMAS ROYALEhttps://en.tera.gameforge.com/news/page/new-battleground-kumas-royaleTera Guide - How To Get Green Raptor Mount (Speed 275)http://gofiftyfifty.blogspot.com/2014/02/tera-guide-how-to-get-green-raptor.htmlcrafting-guidehttps://en.tera.gameforge.com/news/page/crafting-guideCRYSTAL SYSTEMhttps://en.tera.gameforge.com/news/page/chrystalscorsairs-strongholdhttps://essentialmana.com/corsairs-stronghold/How to be an effective CS player/General Corsair's Stronghold Guide.https://forums.enmasse.com/tera/discussion/599/how-to-be-an-effective-cs-player-general-corsairs-stronghold-guideClasses guides all needed information there.these are the best places to find best guides for each class but you need to use DISCORD.Lancer: https://discord.gg/8UNnYwaBrawler: https://discord.gg/dR6W7s2Warrior: https://discord.gg/8nzaTNsBerserker: https://discord.gg/tBZDZekGunner: https://discord.gg/mMJkgUhArcher: https://discord.gg/z5fnx2cSlayer: https://discord.gg/M4JNZjvReaper: https://discord.gg/xn3xFAZValkyrie: https://discord.gg/HzjFgpeNinja: https://discord.gg/gD7qnr5Sorcerer: https://discord.gg/ZnBATQyPriest/Mystic: https://discord.gg/9whS8k9If you do not use discord which means you are going to use these outdated guides ..... from 2016..... so i advice you to do it Join DISRCOD.
Currently being updated for Exodor! You use Leaves on the Wind if you are using Double Energetic etchings, if you are using something else just Combo Attack to reduce the cooldown of your main skills. Decoy Jutsu is, in reality, an iframe, the only challenge could be the invulnerability is significantly shorter than your other frames.
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