Registration for these activities may be available online and/or in-person, depending on the park. You can use either your user name or e-mail to sign in.
Annually, more than 350,000 people participate in thousands of sports, recreational, cultural and environmental programs offered by the Chicago Park District. Programs, fitness center memberships and lap swim memberships are available for people of all ages and abilities, in neighborhood parks throughout the city.
Offered in-person at more than 120 parks throughout the city. Please note, that to create an account for a child you first need to create an account for an adult. All Rights Reserved. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Chicago Park District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or admission/access to programs and activities. View the full list of sports programs offered now. Programs & Memberships Dropdown Menu Toggle. The Chicago Park District’s more than 600 parks offer thousands of sports and physical activities as well as cultural and environmental programs for youth, adults, and seniors. For each season, patrons can view programs offered and create their wish list two weeks prior to the first day of online registration. Stay fit and stay safe while working out in a park or in the comfort of your home. > Home Page > Login To access the features of this site, you must have a password-protected customer account. All Rights Reserved. Water fountains remain off. GO HERE to learn more. Board of CommissionersMichael P. Kelly © 2020 Chicago Park District. The Lakefront Trail and The 606 are open, users must keep it moving. General Superintendent & CEO, 2020 Registration Dates for Morgan, McFetridge, Gately & Addams Parks. General Superintendent & CEO. Online registration is divided into two zones over two days. Beaches are closed for the season. GO HERE to learn more. © 2020 Chicago Park District. Board of CommissionersMichael P. Kelly Most fieldhouses are open 9 am – 5 pm weekdays for washrooms and shelter only. Learn more about the in-person and virtual programs offered this fall. The following remain closed: all playgrounds, all pools and most areas & facilities east of Lake Shore Drive except for the Lakefront Trail, harbors, golf courses and many concessions. In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Chicago Park District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or admission/access to programs and activities.
All Rights Reserved. The following remain closed: all playgrounds, all pools and most areas & facilities east of Lake Shore Drive except for the Lakefront Trail, harbors, golf courses and many concessions. If you have an account and haven't logged in yet, please login now. Programs & Memberships Dropdown Menu Toggle, Face Coverings & Social Distancing Required in the Parks, National Recreation and Parks Association Announces Chicago Park District Superintendent Michael Kelly As Board Chair, Chicago Park District Announces Fall Registration Session 1 & 2, Chicago Park District Announces Digital Edition of 8th Season of Night Out in the Parks, Block Club Chicago: New Park District Headquarters In Brighton Park Approved By City Council, City of Chicago: City of Chicago Announces Additional ’Halloweek’ Activities to Celebrate Safely Amidst Covid-19, Chicago Tribune: Review: Fannie Lou Hamer, played in a Chicago park by E. Faye Butler, roars out a timely message. Need Help? Sign In Please sign in to your existing account to take advantage of various personalization features. After a day of e-learning, kids can be active and enjoy time spent with friends in the Park Kids after school program. Online and in-person fitness classes are offered for all ages. Morgan & McFetridge Park Sports Centers, Addams Park and Gately Park. Most fieldhouses are open 9 am – 5 pm weekdays for washrooms and shelter only. The zones are defined by California Avenue (2800 W.). General Superintendent & CEO. Learn more below. The following remain closed: all playgrounds, all pools and most areas & facilities east of Lake Shore Drive except for the Lakefront Trail, harbors, golf courses and many concessions. Learn more below. Programs, fitness center memberships and lap swim memberships are available for people of all ages and abilities, in neighborhood parks throughout the city.
The Disability Policy Office also advises all departments on the development and implementation of policies and programs inclusive of patrons with disabilities. Seasonal Employees only: if you forgot your password, click here. GO HERE to learn more. It plays an integral role in the prioritization of ADA capital projects and identifying ways to improve accessibility to facilities. Check out our various fitness class options now.
Chicago Park District programs are offered through four seasonal sessions each year: winter, spring, summer and fall. Board of CommissionersMichael P. Kelly Follow these steps to be prepared for registration, Use this code to get the first session of Learn to Swim class free for ages 6-17. © 2020 Chicago Park District. The Lakefront Trail and The 606 are open, users must keep it moving. A variety of sports programs are offered including basketball, tennis, volleyball and more. The Disability Policy Office oversees Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Illinois Accessibility Code/Chicago Building Code compliance initiatives and guides the Park District’s efforts to create a fully accessible park system. Water fountains remain off. Register for Park Kids now. A variety of online programs are offered for individuals with intellectual disabilities, primary physical or visual impairments, and those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. . Water fountains remain off. To create an account, please provide the following name and address related information. View seasonal registration dates for most programs & gymnastics centers. Any person who is unable to utilize the Chicago Park District's online application system due to a disability should contact the Chicago Park District Human Resources Dept., 541 North Fairbanks Court, Chicago, Illinois 60611, at (312) 742-5220 or (312) 747-2001 (TTY) at least 72 hours before the closing date of the desired position. The Lakefront Trail and The 606 are open, users must keep it moving. Most fieldhouses are open 9 am – 5 pm weekdays for washrooms and shelter only. Beaches are closed for the season. Programs & Memberships Dropdown Menu Toggle. Annually, more than 350,000 people participate in thousands of sports, recreational, cultural and environmental programs offered by the Chicago Park District. The Chicago Park District owns more than 8,800 acres of green space, making it the largest municipal park manager in the nation. Please email: Beaches are closed for the season.
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